Different forms of Depression Tips

Read these 14 Different forms of Depression Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Depression tips and hundreds of other topics.

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I notice that someone I know who suffers depression is sick often, why is that?

Chronic Illness Can Be A Sign Of Depression

People who suffer from depression may experience multiple flu, cold or other symptoms. Depression lowers the body's resistance and ability to fight even simple illnesses.

I notice that someone I know who suffers depression is sick often, why is that?

Chronic Illness Can Be A Sign Of Depression

People who suffer from depression may experience multiple flu, cold or other symptoms. Depression lowers the body's resistance and ability to fight even simple illnesses.

What are the symptoms of SAD?

What are the symptoms of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)?

Some symptoms of SAD which can help you determine if you may be suffering from this seasonal depression are listed below.

• Sleep troubles – Oversleeping can occur or lack of sleep, even interrupted sleep.

• Fatigue – Over tired where a normal day routine cannot be completed

• Constant eating – The craving to eat carbs and sweets which cause weight gain

• Social problems – Anxiety, avoiding contact with others

• Mood changes – Extreme mood changes

Other signs are the SAD sufferer is more likely to become ill due to a weakened immune system. This is caused from the body and stress. Also when the symptoms of SAD disappear, a manic or depressive episode occurs for four weeks before the Spring and early Summer season.

What are signs of Bipolar Disorder?

What are signs of Bipolar Disorder?

Although Bipolar disorder does affect millions of people, when the symptoms are not recognizable, what are specifics a person should look for? One of the most common symptoms among sufferers of Bipolar depression are the energetic highs to the listless lows.

These are signs of a manic episode:

• Increased energy

• Euphoric mood

• Extreme irritability

• When speaking, jumping from one idea to another

• Lack of focus

• Poor judgment

• Increased sex drive

• Denying that anything is wrong

These are signs of a depressive episode:

• Sad

• Anxious

• Hopelessness

• No interest in activities

• Decreased energy

• Trouble remembering

• Fatigued

• Thought or attempts at suicide

If you suspect a friend or family member may be suffering from Bipolar disorder, contact a therapist. Approach the suspected person supportively and let them know you are ready to listen.

What is OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)?

What is OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or OCD is an anxiety disorder. The significance is thoughts which are reoccurring and behaviors which are repetitive. Many of these thought and behaviors are unwanted by the sufferer but cannot be stopped.

For example, a person suffering from OCD can be obsessed with checking their home to make sure all of the appliances are turned off before leaving each time. Instead of trying to ignore the impulse of checking each appliance five times before leaving, the OCD sufferer gives in otherwise it causes anxiety. This behavior becomes a ritual and the sufferer either follows this routine each day before leaving the house or seeks help from a professional.

What are the symptoms of Schizophrenia?

What are the symptoms of Schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia has three categories symptoms fall into: positive, negative, or cognitive.

Positive symptoms: Hallucinations, delusions, and thought disorder

• The most common hallucination is hearing voices but the other senses can also be involved. A Schizophrenic can think they see, hear, smell, or feel someone else around them.

• A delusion is a false personal belief. A Schizophrenic can believe their family is always plotting against them to a person on television telling them to buy a product.

• An example of a thought disorder is when a Schizophrenic has a difficult time organizing their thoughts and when they begin to speak; their speech is slurred or hard to understand. Some sufferers will make up words to explain their thoughts.

Negative symptoms: Decrease desire to speak, express emotion, or find pleasure in everyday life. These symptoms can be mistaken for laziness or depression.

• A Schizophrenic's inability to make and stick to a planned activity, not interacting with others, and not enjoying everyday life is a strong sign. Also when the sufferer speaks, their voice is monotone and no emotional or facial expressions occur.

Cognitive symptoms: Focus, memory, and functions which allow a person to plan or organize become lost. These symptoms can only be found when neuropsychological tests are done.

• A Schizophrenic cannot absorb and interpret information and come to a conclusion.

• The difficult to retain and use information makes it difficult for a Schizophrenic to keep a daily job.

What is SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)?

What is SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)?

Seasonal Affective Disorder is a type of depression which occurs during the winter months to over a half a million people. From the month of September through April, in some parts of the world, is when the depression begins and ends. The cold months of December, January, and February tend to be the worse for a sufferer of SAD.

Due to sunlight being less throughout the winter months, SAD is brought on by lack of sunlight or natural light. A person between the ages of 18 and 30 can first experience SAD. If the depression occurs for more than three winters, this can be a sign their body is suffering from lack of sunlight.

What is Schizophrenia?

What is Schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a very serious illness plaguing 1% (or 3.2 million) of people around the world. This is a chronic, disabling brain disorder which can drive a sufferer to withdraw from everyday life. Sufferers of Schizophrenia have reported hearing voices in their head that no one else hears to people being able to read their minds. They also think their thoughts are being told to the outside world and many convince themselves that others are planning to bring harm to them.

Due to these voices, thoughts, and feelings, Schizophrenics become fearful and show extreme agitation when approached. Some will sit for hours without moving or saying a word; but when they do decide to speak, the thoughts which are running through their head make no sense. Schizophrenics have a difficult time keeping a job and caring for themselves and it leads to burdening the family to take responsibility to take care for them.


How to Treat Bipolar Disorder?

A person suffering from Bipolar disorder may find close relationships ended, poor job or school performance, and thoughts or attempts at suicide. Due to the growing population of people suffering from Bipolar disorder, treatments for depression sufferers have increased.

Bipolar disorder is not just a one time episode but a reoccurring illness which can be controlled with proper medication and psychiatric treatment. Medications which can only be prescribed by a psychiatrist or M.D., are also known as mood stabilizers to keep the sufferer stable.

Some treatment options are:

• Lithium – the first mood stabilizing medication which is effective

• Anticonvulsant medications – used for difficult to treat bipolar episodes

• Getting chosen for a study group to test new medications

• Antidepressants

• Psychiatric care

• Psychosocial care – Talk therapy, behavior modification

What is Bipolar Disorder?

What is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder affects a person's mood, energy, and ability to function through everyday normal living. Also known as manic depression, this disorder affects the brain with severe symptoms of emotions of happiness and sadness. They are not normal ups and downs but extreme mood swings which cannot be easily controlled by the sufferer. Sometimes the sufferer doesn't even know what is occurring within their body and lose control.

Why is depression so hard to specifically diagnose?

Depression Can Be As Different In People As There Are Personalities.

It's true that each person suffering from the same form of depression can be as different as grains of sand. That is why no one other than a trained professional should try to diagnose a depression sufferer.

What are Treatment Options for Social Anxiety Disorder?

What are Treatment Options for Social Anxiety Disorder?

Treating Social Anxiety Disorder can be a challenge as it affects numerous parts of the brain. Besides the feelings of anxiety, depression is also incorporated into the disorder as well as the treatment options.

Some treatment options for sufferers of Social Anxiety Disorder are:

• Understanding how the brain works to treat the infected areas

Prescription medication

• Antidepressants or SSRI's (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors); Fluxetine, sertraline, fluvoxamine, paroxetine

• Tricyclics – Treating sufferers with anxiety and depression; Clomipramine

• MAOI's or Monoamine oxidase inhibitors; Phenelzine

• Anti-Anxiety Medications; Benzodiazepines

Psychotherapy or Talk Therapy

• Cognitive behavioral therapy

• Behavior modification

Why is depression so hard to specifically diagnose?

Depression Can Be As Different In People As There Are Personalities.

It's true that each person suffering from the same form of depression can be as different as grains of sand. That is why no one other than a trained professional should try to diagnose a depression sufferer.

What is Social Anxiety Disorder?

What is Social Anxiety Disorder?

Social Anxiety Disorder or Social Phobia is an anxiety disorder which causes an extreme amount of anxiety in everyday social situations. This disorder can occur in specific formal or informal speaking situations, depending on the individual sufferer.

A person suffering from Social Anxiety Disorder has fears of being watched and judged by others and being embarrassed by their own actions. Although many sufferers are fully aware of their phobia, overcoming the fears is a challenge.

Some signs of Social Anxiety Disorder are:

• Profuse Sweating

• Blushing

• Not being able to stay in a social situation

• Heart Palpitations

• The need to go back home

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