When it comes to Depression, we've been there, done that, now serving 71 tips in 6 categories ranging from Coping with Depression to Treating Depression .
People who suffer from depression may experience multiple flu, cold or other symptoms. Depression lowers the body's resistance and ability to fight even simple illnesses.
Due to HMO's and our drive-thru mentally, many people suffering from depression are not given the appropriate treatment. For example, regular physicians dole out antidepressants without complete mental screening procedures.
The National Institute of Mental Health reports that with proper treatment, most depression sufferers can be helped or even cured.
There are reported cases of high level executives and CEO's who execute the requirements of their jobs flawlessly, yet suffer from depression.
Did you know: 1 in 5 Americans in the country suffer from some form of depression. The APA reports worldwide depression is growing many times faster than AIDS.
Society places many preconceived stigmas on people that suffer depression. Depression is an illness with similar causes factors as the disease Diabetes.
Guru Spotlight |
Jennifer Mathes, Ph.D. |